Women’s Healing Retreats
Divine Feminine Wisdom,
Embodiment, Empowerment & Expression.
This website is currently being transferred to our new home site: sofiashaktischool.com
If you wish to contact us for any retreat or other inquiries please contact us via: hello@sofiashaktischool.com
Thank you sisters! And a special thanks to the 80+ women who took part of the first chapter of this feminine wisdom school!
See you on the other side ♡
Wild Woman Retreat
December 1st-7th Tepoztlán, México
Wild Woman Retreat is a 7 day journey in the midst of nature to pause, unwind, rest, heal & reconnect with your feminine wisdom. The perfect opportunity to nurture & nourish yourself across all levels. A safe space for you to release old emotional baggage, to reconnect with your true purpose & to rediscover the Goddess that you are. Join us in the sacred portal of Tepoztlán, a place for rebirthing & re-ignition. Get ready for an intimate, unique & transformational journey.
Integrating a daily yoga practice in your life is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself. It’s such a powerful way to begin or end your day grounded, relaxed & connected. From a busy mind we travel into the depths of our heart, cultivating a state of calmness and peace within. Through conscious movement, mediation & breathing you will find expansion & emotional release in your body. I invite you to roll out your matt with me and see the magic for yourself. In-person sessions available in Mexico City area.
Online Yoga Classes Goddess Vinyasa Restorative Yin & Hatha-Vinyasa
Magia Menstrual *In spanish
Starting July 20th
Magia Menstrual is an in-person workshop dedicated to all the women who bleed. This class is born from a deep desire for us to reconnect with our feminine cycles & from observing a huge lack of information on the way energy moves through women’s bodies. This powerful program is an invitation for you to start seeing your cycles with beauty, to honor the divine Goddess that you are, to celebrate your body’s wisdom, & to understand how to best navigate the depths of your feminine waters at each stage of the month.
Business Coaching for Healers Retreat Planning Course Launching Business Strategy Energetic Marketing
Having someone walk alongside your business journey is truly a blessing (specially when you don’t have enough time or experience in specific areas where expertise & advise would be a huge relief). For the past 6 years I’ve been doing conscious business consulting for healers & retreat centers. From building the very basic business foundations (website, strategy, mission, branding), to more punctual projects such as retreats, online courses, trainings & workshops. My bespoke consulting services will help you achieve your business goals & feel supported in each step of the way.