Loving My Belly
For this entry I want to focus on the belly area of our bodies - our hara or manipura chakra, our center of creation and manifestation. House to our inner power, inner will & sense of self. The place where we cultivate our strength, resilience & where we also alchemize our emotions, feelings and sexual energy. Not only is this where our personal power lives but also a key point to protect and cultivate our sacred energy.
On top of this, our navel center is also responsible for digesting and processing our thoughts, feelings, emotions, actual food, daily interactions. Basically, our digestive system is responsible of digesting our whole reality! WTF! That’s a lot for 1 single system tbh.
So it really doesn't take a genius to understand why many of us go through life with digestive issues - slow digestion, congestion, bloating, colitis, gastritis and so on. After 5+ years of trying different things, I have come across one of the most powerful self healing tools for the belly, and that is: The Ultimate Self Belly Massage.